Saturday, April 21, 2012

Which books to take to your deserted island

As soon as I have time I will blog about the last meeting of the Las Vegas Bookmans Guild. April’s topic of discussion was created by Ann DeVere of Plaza Books: Name five nonfiction books you’d want to have with you on a deserted island.

Some of the selections were practical, some funny, some unusual and some personal.

Sadly, several members of the guild were unable to attend the dinner meeting. I’m hoping they’ll email their choices so I can include them, if not in the upcoming post, at least on an addendum.

How about you? Which five nonfiction books would you want with you if you were doomed to spend a long time on a deserted island?
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1 comment:

  1. Guess I'd take the Bible since I've never read it from cover to cover
