Back in February, 2008, one of the net's most successful bloggers, Darren Rowse, conducted a poll that asked the question: Why do you blog? If you don't care to check out the results, I'll give you the highlights. Overwhelmingly, the top two reasons were for money and for fun.
Granted, Rowse focuses on blogging for money in his posts so the results could have been skewed by the fact that his readership is made up of people interested in making money with blogs. But I was surprised that such a readership would include fun as one of the major reasons for blogging.
I'm absolutely sure I blog just because I write and sometimes what I write doesn't belong in an article or a novel, or even in a notebook. Blogging is my journal about writing because I don't keep a written journal.
Blogging doesn't make money for me but it's definitely more fun than work.

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