Thursday, December 23, 2010

A blog of a different name

Originally, I planned to have a different title for this blog. I was going to call it Them’s Writin’ Words, a bastardization of  Them’s fighting words, a phrase attributed to and made famous (sort of) by Ring Lardner in Gullible’s Travels. I’ve read Travels and despite what Wikipedia says, nowhere in Lardner’s work do those three words appear in sequence. Perhaps they are, by nature of the work, implied.

Take a look yourself. The text is free. But if you don’t want to go there, the words as penned by Lardner are:

You know they's lots o' words that's called fightin' words.

I wasn’t confident about the title because I didn’t like the way it looked in the URL, all squished together like unkerned letters pressed together to accommodate justified text in limited space. They just look like a mistake.

I just thought I’d mention it here.

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